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Traveling with Medications

The U.S. Department of State provides the following information and recommendations pertaining to traveling internationally with medication: 

  • Check with the foreign embassy of the country you are visiting or passing through. Check to make sure your medications are allowed, particularly prescriptions for medical marijuana. You may need an import license or permit to travel with certain medications.
  • Bring plenty of medicine for your trip. If possible, bring a few extra days’ worth in case of delays. You might not be able to get the same medication abroad.
  • Carry a letter from the doctor. It should describe your medical condition. It should also list any prescription drugs and their generic names.
  • Keep medications in their original, labeled containers.
  • Entering a country with a prescription medication, even if legally obtained in the United States, could be illegal and result in your detention or arrest overseas.

Although the Office of Study Abroad can assist with finding resources and recommendations related to traveling with medication, it is ultimately the traveler's responsibility to follow the laws of the host country. 

During travel, be sure and pack all medication in your personal item, 

not checked or carry-on luggage that may get separated from you.



CDC: Traveling Abroad with Medicine,the%20generic%20names%20for%20medicines.


Mobility International USA: Medications When Traveling Internationally


International Narcotics Control Board: Traveling Internationally with Medicines Containing Controlled Substances:


U.S. Dept. of State: Your Health Abroad


U.S. Dept. of State: International Travel


U.S. Dept of State: Embassies Abroad


International Society of Travel Medicine: Includes Travel Clinic List


If you are traveling to Japan with any medication, please review the information linked below provided by the U.S. Embassy in Japan.